If You Believe These 10 Franchise Myths, You May be a Misinformed Buyer

franchise myths

Myths, illusions, smoke and mirrors – these are tools of deception that can lead even the savviest professionals astray. It’s so easy to believe an ideal – even when the ideal is just inaccurate information in disguise. The franchise industry isn’t devoid of these myths. Misconceptions and half-truths cloud the judgment of even the most […]

How to Find Out if a Brand is a Franchise or Not

How to Find Out if a Brand is a Franchise or Not

If you’re accustomed to dining out, refueling at gas stations, and paying for various services such as home maintenance, healthcare, or entertainment, then you’ve most likely encountered the world of franchising. Now, you might be wondering, “Do franchises dominate the consumer industry since they’re involved in major sectors such as food, transportation, and healthcare?“ The […]

Best Hands off Franchises to Invest in

best hands off franchises

Before we get into the best hands off franchises – consider this. There’s a fairly common analogy about nurturing your business like you would a plant. Just as the seeds you lay down need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow deep roots – any business you invest in needs the same level of care and […]

How to Become a Franchise Broker: Your Guide to Business Ownership

How to Become a Franchise Broker

Business comes in all sorts of varieties and sizes – but before the digital era we live in, business owners were thought of as the people running your local shops and restaurants. A place where customers physically visited to purchase the products and services offered. Traditionally, owning a business also meant having employees to assist […]

Which Industries are Most Likely to Franchise?


If you’re in pursuit of business ownership in the franchise industry, you’ve come to the right place. But before you ask the question of ‘which industries are most likely to franchise,’ we want to share this analogy with you regarding what goes into choosing the right business opportunity. Imagine the early stages of shopping for […]

What is the Failure Rate for a Franchise in 2024?

In recent years, the perception of franchising has seen a mix of skepticism and optimism. You might have encountered articles suggesting that franchising isn’t a secure investment, citing high failure rates. However, much of this stems from a lack of accessible, accurate information on franchising statistics. We’re here to shed some light on these numbers […]

How to Become a Franchise Owner in 2023


If you had a hunch that you’d win the lottery, or better yet, you knew the magic winning numbers…would you play? Of course you would! And you probably wouldn’t hesitate, either. Unfortunately, we can’t help you win the actual jackpot – but helping you buy a fulfilling business is what our business is all about. […]

Can You Purchase Franchises Under 50k? The Answer’s Not That Simple. 

You’ve got $50k burning a hole in your pocket, a dream in your heart, and a thought roaming in your mind: “Can I start a business with this amount?”  Then reality taps you on the shoulder. You realize that building a business from scratch isn’t quite what you’re looking for. After all, the thought of […]